Terms and Conditions


  • All items delivered to you are guaranteed to be as advertised, or better. (For example, BiAloe Pure Powder jars are usually filled with 5%  to 10% more than the label statement.)
  • We encourage you to purchase items for the purpose of muscle testing or push-pull testing on the unopened package or container to determine if it has value for your unique physiology. (See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTi8wyMPBgM) If your test results are negative, you are welcome to return the unopened, undamaged package or container postpaid within 7 calendar days of receiving it for a full refund of the product price that you paid.
  • Please use the “CONTACT US” tab above this page to alert us of any returns, or to discuss any aspect of your current or future orders.
  • Except in cases of product non-compliance, if you open any product, it can no longer be returned for refund.


  • The intention of any and all products that we sell is to support the structures and functions of the body such that the body is better able to attain and retain a state of excellent health. We do not market any product for the purpose of diagnosing, preventing, curing, treating or mitigating any disease–nor should you purchase any of them for those reasons.


  • By purchasing or accepting any item from this website, you may receive an e-mail offering you membership in an information group which pertains to the item(s) that you received. In addition to information updates, these groups are periodically offered free e-books, charts, etc. and/or special members-only discounts on products or services. If you prefer to not be a member of any of these groups, simply delete or ignore the confirmation e-mail when it arrives.

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